Arlington Genealogical Society

Purpose: To promote the study of genealogy and to assist the Arlington Texas Public Library in obtaining and preserving genealogical books, microforms and other records of historical interest.


Arlington Local-Area Cemeteries  Cem-Locations

plus-minus Arlington Cemetery

801 Mary St.
Arlington, TX

Between 2nd St & Mitchell St.
Oldest marker from 1875 is for mother & child.
Find A Grave
Burials continue  
Cemetery Website

plus-minus Arlington Heritage Memorial Grounds

507 West Arkansas Lane
Arlington, TX

aka Col. M.T. Johnson Plantation Cemetery, Johnson Cemetery, Mill Branch Cemetery
Johnson family descendants and enslaved people had the right to be buried here. 1.5 acres.
Find A Grave
Cemetery Website

plus-minus Bear Creek Cemetery

100 Bear Creek Cemetery Rd
Euless, TX

Eastside of Hwy 360 & north of Harwood Road, just off Minters Chapel Road and inside the Bear Creek Golf Club at Dallas Fort-Worth Airport.
Find A Grave
Cemetery Website

plus-minus Berachan Cemetery

801 West Mitchell St.
Arlington, TX

UTA Doug Russel Park (no longer used)
Part of a 67 acres for the Beracach Home for redemption and protection of erring girls. A haven for unwed mothers. This .5-acre cemetery had about 80 graves. Many of the baby deaths were attributed to the measles epidemic in 1914-1915.
Find A Grave
Historical Information  
Marker Website

plus-minus Calloway Cemetery

1600 Calloway Cemetery Rd
Euless, TX

East of Hwy 157 North; south of Trinity Blvd, north of Mosier Valley Road. & Veridian Sub Division in Arlington. 2.4 acres.
Find A Grave
Burials continue
Cemetery Website

plus-minus Cedar Hill Memorial Park

8301 Bus. Hwy 287
Arlington, TX

Bus. Hwy 287 is N. Main St. in Kennedale
9 acres.
Find A Grave
Burials continue
Cemetery Website

plus-minus Emerald Hills Memorial Park

500 Sublett and Little Rd
Kennedale, TX

aka Old Kennedale Cemetery, Est. 1907
17 acres.

Find A Grave
Burials continue
Cemetery Website

plus-minus Estes Cemetery

7100 N. Arlington Webb-Britton Road
Grand Prairie, TX

Find A Grave
G.P.G.S. Website  
Mansfield Website

plus-minus Gibbins Cemetery

2213 North Davis Drive
Arlington, TX

The Gibbins family were farmers who came from Arkansas in 1857 and the earliest grave in 1877. .11 acres.
Find A Grave
Marker Website

plus-minus Gibson Cemetery

Gibson Cemetery Road
Mansfield, TX

South side of road on a hill. Close to Bisbee Baptist Church.
Find A Grave

plus-minus Grand Prairie Memorial Gardens

3001 S. Belt Line Road
Grand Prairie, TX

Find A Grave
Burials continue
Cemetery Website

plus-minus Greenwood Memorial Park

3100 White Settlement Road
Fort Worth, TX

At intersection of University Drive
Find A Grave
Burials continue
Funeral Website

plus-minus Grimsley Cemetery

South Cooper & Hwy 157
Mansfield, TX

North east corner of intersection,
A family Cemetery.
The Daltons were owners of the Best Pickle factory in Fort Worth.
Find A Grave
Cemetery Website

plus-minus Handley Cemetery

Spur 303 & Handley Road
Fort Worth, TX

East from intersection to Handley Dr
(inside Power Plant gate)
Find A Grave
Cemetery Website  
Marker Website

plus-minus Handley Hill Ebenezer Cemetery

6213 Lake Arlington Drive
Fort Worth, TX

On south side of Lake Arlington damn.
Both Slave & Freemen.
2.16 acres.
Find A Grave
Cemetery Website

plus-minus Harrison Cemetery

8550 Meadowbrook Drive
Fort Worth, TX

Find A Grave
Marker Website

plus-minus Hawkins Cemetery

Red River Drive
Arlington, TX

Gate on Red River Dr, sign on Hwy 287
Marble monument dated to 1800s
2.7 acres.
Find A Grave
Burials continue
Marker Website

plus-minus Hudson Cemetery

Hudson Cemetery Road
Kennedale, TX

South of Kennedale on Eden Road.
Family donated the fenced land.
Find A Grave
Burials continue
Mansfield Website

plus-minus Isham Cemetery

7100 Kuban Blvd
Fort Worth, TX

1 mile East of Loop 820 on Johne T. White Road
Enter by Williams Road gate; gate locked. Established by Rev. Marion Isham and wife Rosa, who came from Georgia. First burial in 1850. 6 acres.
Find A Grave
Burials continue
Marker Website

plus-minus J.O. Hollis Cemetery

Nora Drive
Pantego, TX

Find A Grave
Cemetery Website  

plus-minus Johnson Station Cemetery

1100 W. Mayfield
Arlington, TX

Established in the 1840s as a Texas Ranger Station & Trading post. Oldest marker is 1863.
Find A Grave
Burials continue
Marker Website

plus-minus Keystone Cemetery

991 Cedarland Blvd
Arlington, TX

aka Masonic Cemetery
1.5 acres; gate locked.

Find A Grave
Burials continue
Marker Website (Has burial links)

plus-minus Moore Memorial Gardens Cemetery

1219 N Davis Drive
Arlington, TX

aka White Chapel Memorial Gardens
Between Cooper & Davis St. on W. Randall Mill Road
63 acres; funeral Home on site.
Find A Grave
Burials continue
Funeral Website

plus-minus Mosier Vally Cemetery

House Anderson Road
Euless, TX

Take Mosier Valley Road west of Hwy 157.
Community of freed enslaved people. A white Confederate military man donated land. Husband and wife are buried there.
Find A Grave
Euless Website

plus-minus Noah Cemetery

808 McKinney St.
Arlington, TX

South of Randol Mill Rd and north of W. Sanford St. .91 acres. Graves dating from the 1880's.
Find A Grave

plus-minus Oakwood Cemetery

701 Grand Ave
Fort Worth, TX

East of Henderson St and west of N. Main St.
Formed in 1879 on 20 acres. by Col. John Peter Smith.
Find A Grave
Burials continue
Funeral Website

plus-minus Parkdale Cemetery

701 Mary St.
Arlington, TX

Between 2nd St. & Mitchell St.
Owned and operated by Moore Funeral Home
17.1 acres.
Find A Grave
Burials continue
Cemetery Website

plus-minus Ray-Manship Cemetery (defunct)

Boca Raton Blvd
Fort Worth, TX

West side of Loop 820 frontage road, north of Bridge St. at John T. White Hwy.
Construction required remains removal to Shannon Rose Hill Cemetery.
Find A Grave

plus-minus Rehoboth Cemetery

7300 South Cooper St.
Arlington, TX

Southwest corner at T. O. Harris Road.
Behind Rehoboth Baptist Church.
2.5 acres, graves dating from 1871.
Find A Grave
Burials continue
Marker Website

plus-minus Rodgers Cemetery

Little Road
Kennedale, TX

Family cemetery (some enslaved people)
Rodgers Cemetery  
Marker Website

plus-minus Saint Albans Episcopal Church Columbarium

911 S. Davis Drive
Arlington, TX

Find A Grave

plus-minus Saint Maria Goretti Roman Catholic Church Cemetery

1200 S. Davis Drive
Arlington, TX

Find A Grave

plus-minus Shady Grove Cemetery

3000 Hardrock Road
Grand Prairie, TX

Find A Grave
G.P.G.S. Website

plus-minus Shannon Rose Hill Memorial Park

7301 E Lancaster Ave
Fort Worth, TX

Find A Grave
Funeral Website

plus-minus Southland Cemetery

1100 Southwest 3rd St.
Grand Prairie, TX

Find A Grave
Burials continue

plus-minus Southland Memorial Park

1004 SW 3rd St.
Grand Prairie, TX

Find A Grave

plus-minus Tate Cemetery

4201 West Pleasant Ridge Road
Arlington, TX

Burial site for families of Everett Callaway Tate who relocated from Georgia in 1870. The first burial was for E. C. Tate who died in 1885. Mr. Tate established the Tate Springs Community. He donated the land to the community in 1896. .96 acres, 74 graves, some unmarked.
Find A Grave
Marker Website

plus-minus Tomlin Cemetery

2301 Canyonwood Drive
Arlington, TX

off North Davis
Solomon Tomlin and family came from Missouri in 1870. He was first buried there in 1884. .92 acres.
Find A Grave
Burials continue
Marker Website

plus-minus Watson Cemetery

1024 West Watson Road
Arlington, TX

aka West Fork Cemetery
.3 acres.
Find A Grave Burials continue
Marker Website

plus-minus Whites Chapel Cemetery

W. Southlake Blvd. at S. White Chapel Road
Southlake, TX

Find A Grave
Burials continue
Marker Website

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