Arlington Genealogical Society

Purpose: To promote the study of genealogy and to assist the Arlington Texas Public Library in obtaining and preserving genealogical books, microforms and other records of historical interest.


Society History

AGS Logo Tree


On October 27, 1970, Mrs. Felix [Barbrae] Tanco and her mother Mrs. Marguerite Owens started the organization with a collection of three books that had been donated. A group of people interested in family research would meet on the last Tuesday of each month at the Arlington North Branch library, which was then located on North Cooper Street near Randol Mill Road. They met the last Tuesday of each month except in December and alternated between evening and morning meetings.

The Arlington Genealogical Society, AGS, of Arlington Texas was incorporated on May 18, 1971 with the 1954 Internal Revenue Code of Section 501 (c) (3) designation. The society objective was to promote the study of genealogy and to assist the Arlington Texas Public Library in obtaining genealogical books, microfilm and other records of historical interest. The first official society officers were: President: Mrs. Felix Tanco; V.P.: Miss Priscilla Dow; Treasurer: Dr. R. L. Jones; Secretary: Mrs. Forrest C. Borgstedt; Program Chairman; Mrs. D. P. Owens; Publicity Chairman: Mrs. Wayne McCreary; Project Chairman: Mrs. James H. Pendergrass. At that time, genealogy was considered the third most popular U.S. hobby. By February 1972, the members had decided to change their meeting date to the second Tuesday of each month.

On Saturday January 20, 1973, the new central library in downtown Arlington was completed at the corner of Center & Abram St. and was celebrating their grand opening. The genealogy collection was moved from the North Branch library into a small room in the central library basement, near the elevator. This became the new home for the genealogy books. The room was staffed by librarian Naomi Yeats and volunteer help from members of AGS. Some of those volunteers were Margaret & Fred Lavon Cox, Robert & Pauline Jones, Barbara Dickey, Francine Pendergrass and Wanda Cope. By October 1973, the Society had donated $1,100 in books and microfilm to the genealogy collection. AGS membership dues were $2.00.

Barbara Dickey took over Book Acquitions in 1978. As the book collection expanded, more room was needed for books and researchers. The collection was moved in October 1983 to a first floor room behind the staircase leading to the basement. This room had large west windows that provided a lot of natural light but no window shades to block the afternoon sun to protect the collection or researchers. This room became a very warm room in the summer. The first city library allocation to purchase books for the genealogy section was $1,500. Francine Pendergrass and Barbara Dickey were chosen to select those books.

The genealogy librarian Naomi Yeats retired from the Library in 1984 and was honored by AGS on May 17, 1984. Sally Diaz became the new librarian for the genealogy section.

In January 1985 the genealogy collection was relocated to the northwest corner on the second floor near the Administrative Offices. This area was separated from the regular collection by bookshelves, therefore providing a closed section.

Around 1992 the Genealogy Section was relocated to the southwest corner of the 2nd floor. The Disabilities Act required that the library be more wheelchair accessible, therefore our previous bookcase enclosure did not meet code. We were provided a larger area for the growing collection, plus more natural light with many windows with blind protection.

Mary Ann Conrad took over Book Acquitions in 1998 and Collections Development expanded more.

In early 2001 the Genealogy Section was moved back to the northwest quadrant. The collection continues to grow. Most of the money collected for AGS dues and more is used to purchase books for the library′s genealogy collection.

In 2012, Alfred Howard, a member, died and left an insignificant amount of money to him, but a large amount to our society. As benefactor, his name was later added to new library plaques and thereafter, his gracious donation has been use to fund several civic related society projects.

In 2014 the Genealogy Section was moved to the Northeast Branch Library on Brown Blvd while the new Central Library was under construction. An AGS temporary committee supporting Genealogy Resources was created and Larry Howser was named as the Chair. During this period, AGS met at the Southwest Police Community Room on SW Greenoaks Blvd.

At that time, Pete Jacobs was Society President. He recognized the society was in trouble with IRS filing rules and, after a lengthy effort, resolved them. The society then again became complient with 501(c)(3) regulations.

In June 2018 when the George W. Hawkes Downtown Central Library was complete, the collection was moved to the Genealogy & Local History Section on the 3rd floor. Thereafter, the society began meeting in the 1st floor [re]Brary meeting room.

With the death of Mary Ann Conrad in 2020, Sylvia Hoad took over Collection Development. As a retired librarian and coupled with the library's focus, she was able to obtain books beneficial to more of the community needs. Her impact to book acquitions is significant, her budget was increased, and the collection has continued to expand.


AGS Past Officers


AGS Past Speakers


AGS Past Newsletters

AGS Past Milestones

AGS Past Fund Raisers

AGS Past Collections Development

About the Arlington Public Library

Past APL Directors

APL Genealogy & Local History Collection