Memberships and Donations
Table of Contents
Exploring families, connecting friends
- New Members & Renewals with optional Donations
- Society Donations without Membership
- Benefits of being an AGS member
- Contact Us when needed
A. New Members & Renewals with optional Donations
Memberships are based on a fiscal year. The term for annual membership dues is September 1 through August 31 of the following year. A member is considered delinquent if dues are not paid before the December meeting. New members joining the Society after the first day of March will be assessed one–half the regular dues.
Both Individual and Family memberships are available. Your membership keeps your Newsletter subscription current. The same form is used for New Members, Renewals and optional Donations. Contact our Membership Committee chairperson with questions!
Be sure to include your current email and the surnames you're researching with their location(s). Those will be used by our Collections Development staff to refer suitable area books of your interest.
September – August (½ price after March 1st):
- $15 for an Individual membership, or
- $20 for a Family membership
Choose either membership form:
- Use the online Membership Form where both credit-card & check dues remittance options are available.
Online remittance is via the free, safe, secure and easy PayPal feature.
A PayPal account is not required as a guest option is available. Or
- Download the printable pdf Membership Form, fill it out and either mail it or bring it with your dues to our next meeting. Our mailing address and meeting location is on the form.
Thank You For Your Annual Membership!
B. Society Donations without Membership
If you are not joining or renewing at this time, you can make donations here. Select the PayPal Donate button as it offers the safer, easier way to pay online with credit cards and with or without a PayPal account!
The Arlington Genealogical Society is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit (EIN: 90-0890150), incorporated in the state of Texas.
The purpose of your donations must be either unrestricted or restricted to fall within our Society purpose. For more information, see our Society Bylaws as posted within our society docs webpage. And for restricted donations, please contact a Society Officer.
Thank You For Your Donation!

Your contributions allow our society to occassionally make donations to area civic and non-profit organizations to further their service or cause.
Above is our Arlington Genealogical Society making a sizable donation to the Arlington Public Library Foundation board.
C. Benefits of being an AGS member:

- Membership makes you an active partner in the society's non-profit charitable purpose. Membership approved expenditures over the past years for educational resources and genealogy reference media have totaled almost 10,000 volumes.
- The Genealogy and Local History section within the downtown Arlington Public Library contains many many genealogy books by state and county. Also, they have several local maps, genealogy databases and micro-fiche available. And they hold regular scheduled classes for genealogy researchers. Contact us, we can assist.
- With your email, you will receive our Newsletter and keep current with AGS activities.
- AGS educational programs guide us toward realizing better skills in the study of our family history.
- Members interact with members for new ideas and approaches.
- Your local genealogy society is a well spring of knowledge and experience.
- Through AGS membership one can achieve fulfillment by sharing personal experience and knowledge, while forming meaningful friendships with fellow society members and citizens.
- Through genealogy we come to understand who we are, and often who we are not. We connect with both the living generations and with those whose lives were lived in the past and, to the extent that the past is the predictor of the future, we connect with times and people yet to come.
- Genealogy, like history, has many paths to follow, thus shared experience learned from other members leads to a more productive path of discovery.
- When we study history and read about times past, we have personal connections which enrich and are enriched by that learning.
- A community genealogy society facilitates the sharing of information at the local level.
- As we learn our personal family history, we come to appreciate fully what has gone before in our families, we come to better understand how their lives and examples influenced the present for us, and we develop the capacity of resilience which gives confidence in facing the future and in living our dreams.
- AGS is here to guide your thirst for knowledge about your family history...
- "He who careth not from whence he came, careth little whither he goeth". That quote is attributed to one of many great U.S. Senators, Daniel Webster, 1782–1852.
D. Contact Us when needed
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