Arlington Genealogical Society

Purpose: To promote the study of genealogy and to assist the Arlington Texas Public Library in obtaining and preserving genealogical books, microforms and other records of historical interest.


Society Officers & Committees

(Our officer term is annually from the September meeting)

2025-2026 Officers
President: Robert Fleitz
1st Vice Pres: Laureen Jacobs
2nd Vice Pres: Janie Fleitz
Secretary: Barbara Edwards
Asst. Secretary: Linda Seitz
Treasurer: Pete Jacobs
Parliamentarian: Cherry Williams
Standing Committees
Membership: John Anderson
Collection Dev: Sylvia Hoad
Finance: Pete Jacobs
Newsletter Editor: Laureen Jacobs
Photographer: Trice Edwards
Website Admin: John Anderson
Facebook Admin: Pete Jacobs, Meg Anderson

Past Presidents | Past Officers

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