Arlington Genealogical Society

Purpose: To promote the study of genealogy and to assist the Arlington Texas Public Library in obtaining and preserving genealogical books, microforms and other records of historical interest.


Society Programs 2019

Available Years:
2015  2016  2017  2018  2019  2020  2021  2022  2023  2024  2025 

Our meetings are on the
Second Tuesday Monthly
September through June

Visit the AGS YouTube Channel

Jan. 2019
Nancy Maxwell

Periodical Source Index
Feb. 2019
Tracy L. Palmer

And Genealogy
Mar. 2019
Steve Myers

From Texas & Oklahoma to Kansas
Apr. 2019
Steve Brown

Cleaning Up Old Cemeteries
Using a San Saba, TX cemetery as example
May 2019
Hank Hufham

A DNA How to Workshop,
Using Ancestry, gedMatch and FamilytreeDNA Systems
Jun. 2019
Steve Brown

where members brainstorm suggestions
Sep. 2019
Tresa Tatyrek

Maps are important in finding ancestors!
Oct. 2019
Judy Ramos

Made me a Better Genealogist!
Nov. 2019
Paul Wilkinson

How To Create a Large
Family Tree Chart or Poster
Dec. 2019
Christmas Potluck

Members Share
Family Stores and Anecdotes

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